Posted On Monday, 04 October 2021 17:55
According to information released by the Italian company Leonardo, the company has successfully trialed a high-tech new Active Protection System (APS) approach for military vehicles such as tanks and armored personnel carriers. Called MIPS (Modular Integration Protection System), the new approach brings together layers of electronic and physical protection technologies to equip vehicle crews with a formidable defensive shield.

Leonardo has developed a new APS Active Protection System for combat vehicles called MIPS Modular Integration Protection System. (Picture source Leonardo)
The new MIPS (Modular Integration Protection System) is developed in collaboration Abstract Solutions, CGI, Frazer-Nash, Lockheed Martin UK, RBSL, Roke and Ultra Electronics. to respond to the Icarus program of British armed forces.
In September 2017, the British Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) has placed a contract with Leonardo to improve the suitability and protection of Land Armoured Vehicles through Active Protection System (APS) technology. APS can detect and defeat threat missiles within 100 milliseconds, which is less time than half the time it takes a human to react to a visual cue.
For the whole article see the link below: