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The plan to return the military power to the IDF - 5 steps to carry out.

תמונת הסופר/ת: dgross479dgross479

עודכן: 14 במרץ 2023

We need to understand that the great war is approaching, it depends on us, if we face the "liberation war-2" and this means fighting in Israel with the Arabs of Israel, with the Arabs of the West Bank, with Hamas and Hezbollah, and with the enemies in the outer circle such as Iran and the Houthis and if we show weakness, Egypt and Jordan as well may join.

Or we will be smart enough to defuse this bomb, disassemble this package and fight each of its components one by one. This war cannot be escaped. In 1967 we went to war and this time too there is no choice, and we have to go to war once more which we will start.

I don't think we have time to carry out everything I write, but this is what I would like to do.

I refer to the actions as steps, but they all need to be done in parallel, simultaneously and as quickly as possible.

First step: - Elimination of the subversive infrastructure of the Arabs of Israel. This sabotage infrastructure of terrorists and weapons are a real danger to the existence of the State of Israel. We saw an example of their ability in the riots of 2021 and today they are many times more dangerous. If we do not take care of this problem now, we will find ourselves very quickly in "liberation war #2", with enemies from home and abroad.

Preliminary actions:

1. The IDF must be allowed to operate in all areas of the Land of Israel and restore the governance of the state everywhere throughout the Land of Israel.

2. The strength of the Border Guard should be increased by adding regular battalions and especially reserve forces. Beyond the obvious advantages of the Border Guard fighters, they also have organized bases and it is easy for them to absorb additional forces.

3. The 'National Guard' battalions should be established quickly, as suggested by Major General Hilva in an article published by the Dado Center called "Further Learning Following the “Guard of the Walls", I would like to see 100 battalions of infantry soldiers with each battalion having 500 soldiers who have completed reserve service in their infantry brigades (after the age of 38), if we don't have enough reserve soldiers, we will advance the retirement age and set it at 35. These soldiers, who still have a long service ahead of them until the age of 50, are in reasonable shape and with a lot of knowledge that will be able to bring the 'National Guard' battalions to operational competence in a short time.

The soldiers of the "National Guard" will suppress any attempt to riot when all the means are appropriate for this. Some of those measures will be our old Zelda APCs which have one advantage, they are in our hands, but the APC will need to be upgraded, first of all the engines, gears and other items, and in addition their protection will need to be upgraded so it’ll stop 7.62 mm machine gun bullets from all directions.

In addition, the IDF will have to purchase in Russia 4 x 4 vehicles manufactured by KAMAZ and called K-4386 Typhoon V.D.V. These vehicles weigh about 15 tons, they are protected from 7.62 mm bullets all around, It’s powered by a 450 hp diesel engine, the vehicle has a speed of 100 km/h, a range of 1,000 km and is operated by a team of 2 soldiers and 8 fighters unloading. In the photo below you see the vehicle with a turret that carries a 30 mm cannon and a parallel 7.62 mm machine gun. These vehicles will be used by the Border Guard soldiers and National Guard soldiers.

The K-4386 Typhoon VDV

Second step: - Establishing a formation to suppress the "Tamas" (תמ"ס) "steep route rockets" of Hamas and Hezbollah. I read about the idea of the suppression blankets in an article by General Hilva called "Reject the rockets" and added a few thoughts of my own. For the entire article see link below:

And another article I read by Brigadier General Earn Ortal and as he writes "The entire Torah on one leg". Earn Ortal – “Turn on the light and turn off the fire” Link to the article:

Preliminary actions:

Planning and manufacturing of 'Tamas suppression blankets' and deploying them in the air over those areas that are prone to launching rockets, in southern Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, so that the 'suppression blankets' will be ready to hit the enemy's Tamas formation if it is activated. Their deployment will be done close to the IDF's operation to destroy the Hezbollah and Hamas TMS array. In the Gaza Strip, the deployment of the 'repression blankets' will be done by rocket launchers, while their deployment in Lebanon will be done by cargo planes. All these preliminary actions should start tomorrow morning. The performances of the preliminary actions of the first and second stages are mandatory before warlike activity begins.

Third steps: - Upgrading the strength of the land force. Steps to perform:

1. Upgrading the abilities of the Merkava tanks.

2. Procurement and upgrade of medium tanks.

3. procurement and upgrade of the combine light tanks.

4. Purchase and upgrade of light tanks.

5. Procurement and upgrading of artillery arrays.

6. Procurement and upgrading of the Infantry armor battalion.

7. Procurement and upgrade of anti-aircraft vehicles.

8. Armored-structure division

Fourth step: War against Hamas, Hezbollah and the Arabs of West Bank.

Preliminary actions:

1. The IDF should occupy southern Lebanon and determine the border with Lebanon at the Litany River. In addition, the entire territory of Lebanon will be under the control of Israel's fire which will not allow the arming and re-establishment of the terrorist organizations. This means that there is no ceasefire and the IDF will hit any military target they will see.

2. The IDF should take control of the Gaza Strip, destroy the people of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad and destroy their entire infrastructure in the Gaza Strip above and below the ground. There is no ceasefire, every military target will be attacked, after the occupation of the territory, the Arabs of Gaza will be returned to Egypt.

3. The IDF should take over the West Bank and transfer the residents of the west Bank to Jordan and Syria.

Fifth step: - Be prepared for the expansion of the fighting and the countries around us will attack us. If a war were to break out, one should prepare that Egypt, Jordan and possibly Iraq might join the war and if the Egyptian army crosses the canal and enters Sinai, Israel will have no choice but to attack and destroy the entire army that entered, recapture all of Sinai and transfer those who live there to Egypt. The rest of the armies must be destroyed.

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