Posted On Monday, 27 December 2021 14:53
According to information published by the "Defense Express" website on December 23, 2021, the Ukrainian company Shepetivka Repair Plant will produce Bureviya 220 mm MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System) based on Tatra T-815-7 8x8 truck chassis from the Czech company Excalibur Army.
The Ukrainian-made Bureviya 220 mm MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System) is based on a Czech Tatra T815-7 8x8 military truck chassis. (Picture source Defense Express)
The Bureviya is a 220 mm MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System) fully designed and produced in Ukraine. In November 2020, it was reported that the Ukrainian company The Shepetivka Repair Plant, in accordance with a joint decision with the Ministry of Defense, tested the latest version of the Bureviya MLRS. The new rocket launcher system will replace the old Soviet-made BM-27 Uragan (Hurricane).
The Bureviya is based on the Czech 8x8 military truck chassis Tatra T815-7T3RC1, which is the latest generation of military trucks in the Tatra T815 family. The Tatra truck is fitted with a double doors armored crew cabin that provides protection against the firing of small arms as well as mine protection.
The Tatra T815-7T3RC1 is powered by an air-cooled, V-type, 4-stroke, turbocharged, charge air-cooled, direct injection Diesel engine coupled to a manual 14-speed transmission with semi-automatic split, 14 forward and 2 reverse gears. The truck can run at a maximum road speed of 105 km/h with a maximum cruising range of 700 km.
The Bureviya 220mm MLRS is fitted with a rocket launcher station which seems similar to the Soviet-made BM-27 9P140 Uragan MLRS. Launch tubes are arranged in three banks, with the lower two banks having six tubes each and the upper bank having four tubes.
The Bureviya 220mm MLRS is equipped with a digital fire control system, including an information exchange system on the battlefield. This allows the Storm to be included in a single reconnaissance and strike circuit, when information from reconnaissance vehicles, such as UAVs, is transmitted online to the means of destruction. This minimizes the time from target detection to destruction in minutes.
The rockets launched by the BM-27 MLRS can reach a firing range from 35 to 40 km, while the Bureviya has a firing range from 35 to 65 km. The Bureviya can fire all the 220mm rockets including 9M27F HE-Frag (High Explosive Fragmentation), and the unguided rockets 9M27K loaded with fragmentation sub-munitions, 9M59, and 9M27K2. The 9M59 rocket projectile is equipped with a cluster warhead fitted with antitank mines. The 9M27K2 unguided rockets (Hurricane MLRS) are designed for operational remote setting of anti-tank minefields both in front of the enemy's military equipment units at the edge of the attack and in the area where they are concentrated.